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Falcon Royale Item Donations

Thank you for donating to the 2018 Falcon Royale.

Your item will be used in our online, silent or live auction as determined by the Falcon Royale committee with the help of our auctioneer.

All donations must be received by September 30, 2018 to be included in the 2018 Falcon Royale.

Foothill groups (sports teams, booster groups academic departments, and clubs) receive 80% of the profit from auction items donated and designated to that Foothill group.  If you would like your donation to benefit a specific Foothill group, please designate at the appropriate question. 

If you would like to deliver your auction item...

Items can be:

Mailed to: Falcon Royale Committee, 4847 Hopyard Rd #4-310, Pleasanton, CA 94588 


 Delivered to: Ruth Highstreet, principal's secretary, at Foothill High School, 4375 Foothill Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588 beginning August 1st


contact a committee member for pick up or drop off by email at falconroyale@gmail.com

For large or fragile items, please make arrangements for pick up or delivery with one of our committee members by emailing falconroyale@gmail.com


**Under Notes, please put any exclusions or rules regarding your donation (ex. for new members only, must be used by..., etc.)**

Auction Item Donations

Item Information

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